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Putin, the 'Man on Fire'



Putin, the 'Man on Fire'

To Forgive The Terrorists Is Up To God, But To Send Them To Him Is Up To Me.
— Denzel Washington in 'Man On Fire' (not Vladimir Putin)

A quote attributed to Vladimir Putin circulated in the wake of the Paris attacks, crediting him with the following statement: "To forgive the terrorists is up to God, but to send them to him is up to me."

The line predictably registered with critics of President Barack Obama, whose rhetoric following the Islamic State group's assault on Paris was decidedly more measured. 

Just one problem: It looks like Putin didn't really make the remarks.

The story seemed to spread after a Russia Today anchor attributed the quote to Putin in a tweet. Later, Remi Maalouf apologized:

In the 2004 movie "Man on Fire," Denzel Washington's character discusses who exactly is responsible for arranging face-to-face meetings between bad guys and the Man Upstairs.





Our tease on terror

We may look different, however, inside we are all alike. We were raised in different environments, yet, we all breathe the same air, drink the same water, bleed the same color and walk away from pain whenever possible.

 The unfortunate events in Paris can have as many explanations as actors involved, however, we feel ideas should be discussed with wit, and differences must be accepted with respect.

Hate should never be part of an argument.

We strongly believe that differences must be used to bond humanity. Diversity makes us wiser.

Our thoughts are with the victim’s families not only in Paris tonight, but Beirut the day before, and all those who live under the shadow of senseless terror. 

